Who’s “The Man?” (A definitive answer from Ray Bradbury)
On the front cover of HERE THERE BE DRAGONS is an endorsement of the book by none other than Ray Bradbury. THE Ray Bradbury, of Fahrenheit 51 fame, of The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit fame, of 20th Century author pantheon fame. Mr. Bradbury passed away last June, but what did the late Mr. Bradbury have […]
I’m so excited! This week is the annual ANWA Writers Retreat in the cool country of the mountains of Arizona. This is my fourth year attending. We’re staying at a nice cabin, about 30 of us, shutting out the world and just writing. Last year I used the 3 days away from the responsibilities of home […]
Denmark and Peach Rings
My friend Tina used to live just down the road. I’d go by and she’d let my kids jump on her trampoline with the sprinklers on, or she’d let my buy fresh chicken eggs from her, or we’d just visit. So lovely. Now she has up and moved about 3 hours away. I only get to […]
My internal dialogue is asking for gummy candy
I’m craving candy. Ugh! Where are my gummy Vitamin Ds? I love the peach and blackberry flavors. It’s candy but not. And I got sideways permission from my doctor to eat quite a few. He said take 14,000 milligrams per week, and that he takes them all at once so he doesn’t forget. I could […]