I think I have the coolest friends ever.
Last Saturday at the signing at Bookworms, so many cool people showed up. Some bought books, some brought books they’d previously bought for me to sign. One brought me a purple Sharpie marker (thanks, Melinda!), one brought me a delicious sugar cookie brownie thing with great frosting. (I am kind of a frosting snob, so that matters.)
In fact, so many good folks of the Gila Valley came down to the store that the supply of copies of Big in Japan sold out. Yeehaw! Thank you, great friends! So much!
Felt great to be there. I really appreciated the Eastern Arizona Courier for their article letting everyone know about it, and also the radio station, KATO (thanks, CW) for the interview that morning. My husband recorded the audio of the show, and someday when I figure out how to do it I’ll upload it here. (It could be a while.)
Meanwhile, my 1999 Suburban turned over 200,000 miles this afternoon. There was this brief moment where it was 199,999.1 when I almost wanted to stop the car on the highway and take a photo of the cool, binary odometer. I do love binary stuff. I celebrated by eating three bites of Bluebell Ice Cream at family home evening tonight. Even though I’m (supposedly) off sugar.
It was a celebration, what can I say?
YEAH! I’m famous! Thanks for mentioning me in your blog. And seriously we should all have eleven purple Sharpie markers!
Yes, we should, Melinda! Now, thanks to you, I have one at last. I love the beginning of the school year when they have the big rainbow packs of Sharpies on sale. Sigh. School supplies. Love them.