Apologies to anyone who gets this blog emailed to their in-box. I promise not to be a neurotic in-box clogger in the near future.
But the update is…the book is done. Done oh, so poorly. But it’s done. And now I can go work on some other projects for a couple of weeks and then maybe I can come back to this one and redo it from scratch. Maybe with different characters. Maybe with a reworked plot. Maybe I can just let it stay entombed in my computer files, festering as it deserves to do.
But maybe I’ll remember next year that the windy, windy, windy month of March (I’m not exaggerating about the wind in this place), is not the best time to be writing romantic comedy. I’ll stick to editing. Or come up with something angry or sad to write next year.
I think perhaps I’ll put that as a note on my calendar now as a reminder.
Thanks for the support, friends. Now, back to a new, happier plot. And a happier soul.