“Writers Unite to Fight Cancer” Writing Contest Opens! Check it Out!

A writing friend of mine has started this fantastic group to help raise funds for cancer research. She’s involving lots of authors and writers, and they’ve started a writing contest this year. It’s legit. Sharpen your pencils and enter! This is a great cause, and a win will look fabulous on a query letter. Go for it!


Writers Unite to Fight Cancer   (WUFC) is holding their first annual charity Writing Contest . Submissions are accepted today through midnight August 15th, 2012.  We will have an awards ceremony for the winners and finalists at Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe Arizona on Thursday evening, September 27th, 2012 starting at 6:30pm. Winners and finalists will be published in the WUFC anthology.

WUFC 1st Annual Charity Writing Contest Submission Guidelines

1.)  A Separate Cover Sheet for each entry should include:

a)    Full Name and Date of Birth

b)    Email address and Phone Number


d)    Indicate the category you are submitting to:

*Women’s Fiction /Chic Lit / Romance *General Fiction / Mystery / Westerns / Suspense / Thriller *Science Fiction / Fantasy / Paranormal

*Young Adult   General / Speculative / Dystopian

*Non-Fiction / Inspirational / How to / Editorials

*Memoirs / Essays / Biographies

*Poetry / Lyrics

*Non-Fiction Children’s Picture Books – Middle Grade

*Children’s Literature – Fiction (Picture Books – Middle Grade)


2.)  Manuscript to be submitted separate as a Word or RTF document either via e-mail at writersunitetofightcancer@gmail.com or snail-mail to:


Writers Unite to Fight Cancer

Charity Writing Contest

1146 N. Mesa Dr. #102-233

Mesa, AZ  85201


3.)  All contestants must be eighteen (18) years of age.

4.)  All Entries must be received by midnight August 15th, 2012.

5.)  Do not mention your name on the manuscript portion. Use double space formatting with 1 inch margins and number the pages. Place Title on the left side of header and page # on the right side of every page.)

6.)  Submit only 4000 words. Entries exceeding this limit will be disqualified.

7.)  Sponsor reserves the right to combine categories due to insufficient numbers.

8.)  Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify any entry with lewd, obscene or other inappropriate content. We will not read / judge erotica or horror.

9.)  Pay the $30.00 entry fee on-line using PayPal on the web page OR send in your check with your manuscript via snail-mail. Returned checks automatically disqualify the entry.

·         Winning contestants must be willing to work with WUFC editors to prepare their project for publication in the WUFC Writing Contest Anthology.


·         Contestants may submit as many entries in any or all categories. Each entry is $30.00 which will be donated to the Virginia G. Piper Cancer Center.


·         Contact for Questions: Margaret L. Turley, WUFC Administrator 480-773-7087 phone or writersunitetofightcancer@gmail.com