Contest for a Free Paperback
WINNING THE CONTEST Once when I was in high school, I entered a contest to win free “glamour shots.” To my parents’ dismay, I won and went to collect my prize. At the last minute on a whim, I took my two younger sisters with me to the local Fred Meyer. We let the photographers do […]
The Perils of Self-Publishing
TLDR: If you are one of those early readers who got an uncorrected copy of Wills & Trust with the glitches in chapter one and near the end, you can go into your Kindle account and download the more updated file. Risk versus reward. They say the higher the risk, the greater the chance of […]
Books Get Facelifts, Too
To go along with being age 45, I have had to switch to moisturizer with Retinol in it to stave off some of the wrinkles. It’s working surprisingly well. A huge thank you shout-out to skin science geniuses. Meanwhile, to go along with the release of Wills & Trust next Monday, all the books in […]
The Story Behind the Legally in Love Series
When I married my husband, he was still in law school at Georgetown U in Washington, D.C. Then he worked for the U.S. Congress before we moved to Arizona where he hung out a shingle and worked as a lawyer for a while before running for judge. So basically, he made the laws, defended people […]
July is Party Time: So Let’s Party With a Cover Reveal!
Happy birthday, America. It seems like the whole nation is in party mode. I’ve got two big family get-togethers this month in the gorgeous, much-cooler-than-Arizona Utah mountains. Zip lines, giant swings, all the watermelon you can bust your gut with. How does your family celebrate July? One more quick party for me is that I […]
Hot & Ready (to review)
Meanwhile, here in sunny, sunny, sunny Arizona, the sun is trying to kill us. So is lightning. A lightning strike 20 days ago has burned about something like 70 square miles on the mountain that dominates our valley’s landscape, our one respite from the annual blast oven of summer that runs from April through early November. It stinks. […]
Coming Soon: Cover Reveal for Book 4 (and a Side Bonus)
Book 4 of the Legally in Love Series is nearly nearly nearly done! Final editing passes and a few book-launch prep details remain. I’m getting so excited. Along with that, books 1-3 are getting facelifts, too. I’m working with my designer on them this week–and possibly a Book 5, if we can get the right […]
Legally in Love Series Writing Process Revealed
I have always thought it was odd when people have asked me about my writing process. I guess in my head the answer is along the lines of, “Well, I sit down in a comfy spot with my laptop, minimize distractions, and then type whatever comes into my head, which is (I always hope) a […]
Win a #Free Signed Paperback!
I can’t get enough of these Goodreads giveaways! They are so awesome! And with the great response LEGALLY WEDDED has received, I’m just thrilled. It’s been at #2 on Amazon’s hot new releases (legal) since its release. Can you believe it? Neither can I. SOooooOOoo, anyway, it’s time to win your free copy! Sign up, […]
Grab One E-Book for 99-cents, Get Another Free! Here’s How!
On February 2nd, launch day for LEGALLY WEDDED, I’m excited to give you a fantastic deal! For just two days, I’ll be offering Legally Wedded for 99-cents. That’s the lowest price I’ve ever offered a full-length novel. But wait, there’s MORE! If you order Legally Wedded, will send you a kindle file of this amazing, hilarious […]