Clean Romance

Owari Da!

The title means, “It’s the end!” in Japanese. Sometimes I still find myself thinking in Japanese and have to translate in my head, even though it’s been a month shy of two decades since I’ve seen the Land of the Rising Sun. Weird. I wonder if that will happen for the rest of my life???? […]

Second Chances 101 by Donna K Weaver is Available at Last

Second Chances 101 is HERE! Time to get your clean romance fix of the day, ladies. For just the low, low price of $2.99, you can have a lovely, uplifting book for your midweek reading escape. Donna has been a good friend of mine for a few years, and I owe her a lot. She […]

The Fourth Ripple is Hitting Today

Happy “book birthday” to the fourth book in the Ripple Effect Romance Series: LOST AND FOUND by Karey White. I met Karey live and in person last week when I went by her house to pick up a stack-ola of Ripple Effect books to take to Comic Con. She’s SO nice! We had a fun […]