Ridiculously Addicted to this Show
I recently got sucked into a Netflix obsession. Admit it–you’ve either done it or been tempted. Streaming TV is my nemesis, and my great love. It’s been probably seven or eight years since I’d seen it, but I started watching old seasons of What Not to Wear. You know, the makeover show on the TLC […]
True Love in the Modern Age
I write romance. Um, romantic comedy. Whatever. But with that, I really should know what romance is, right? Well, today while I was out on a mini-date with my husband I experienced it–real romance. First there was take-out pizza with lots of melty cheese. Then, at the Redbox while I was running the touch screen to rent the movie, my […]

Shouldn’t This Get Easier By Now?
I’m excited! I have a book signing today! And it’s in my hometown, at the Preston Citizen from noon to two. Or three. Depending. But to be honest, I’m also pretty nervous. Shouldn’t this get easier by now? It’s been 10 years (well, nine years and eleven months) since I first ever did a book […]
And Now, For Your Beach-Reading Pleasure…(Plus it’s on Sale!!!)
It’s finally up! The Lost Art: A Romantic Comedy is available! If you have a Kindle reader and are planning a trip to the beach or just need a little reading escape, here’s a summer “gift for you.” It’s quick, lighthearted fun. There’s romance, mystery, a billionaire, a handsome FBI agent… Summer love! I’m offering […]
Introducing: The Lost Art: A Romantic Comedy
I’m really excited about this book! And at long last, I’ve got a blurb. Well, it might be a work in progress. All her life, Ava Young assumed the only way a guy would take a second look at her was if she was the only person in the room. And on fire. So she’s been distant, […]

Cover and Title Reveal of My Coming-Soon Rom-Com
Exciting day! I’m finally ready to reveal the cover and title of my next novel. This one has been in the works for a lot of years, with the concept gelling in my head about six years ago. But I got frustrated with it after about 85 pages and set it on the shelf. Then, […]
Official Launch of a New Romantic Comedy
My book is officially launching today! Yay! I know, I know, it’s been available for a couple of weeks so this is a tad bit anticlimactic. But I CELEBRATE NONETHELESS. Humor me. And in case you’ve forgotten, despite my frequent reminders, here’s the rub about the whole series. Book One (Home Matters by Julie Ford) […]
Owari Da!
The title means, “It’s the end!” in Japanese. Sometimes I still find myself thinking in Japanese and have to translate in my head, even though it’s been a month shy of two decades since I’ve seen the Land of the Rising Sun. Weird. I wonder if that will happen for the rest of my life???? […]
Second Chances 101 by Donna K Weaver is Available at Last
Second Chances 101 is HERE! Time to get your clean romance fix of the day, ladies. For just the low, low price of $2.99, you can have a lovely, uplifting book for your midweek reading escape. Donna has been a good friend of mine for a few years, and I owe her a lot. She […]
The Fourth Ripple is Hitting Today
Happy “book birthday” to the fourth book in the Ripple Effect Romance Series: LOST AND FOUND by Karey White. I met Karey live and in person last week when I went by her house to pick up a stack-ola of Ripple Effect books to take to Comic Con. She’s SO nice! We had a fun […]