Clean Romance

Cover Reveal: My Fair Aussie

Cover Reveal: My Fair Aussie

I’m excited to reveal the cover of the third book in my Millionaire Makeover Romances. My Fair Aussie There’s more to this Aussie cowboy than meets the eye. Former grad student Eliza works as a nanny for a self-absorbed trophy wife looking to trade up for a new husband and ditch her child. Eliza will […]

Enduring Art and The Power of Creativity for Happiness

I have a favorite author that I almost never recommend to people because I’m not sure my taste will run the same as other people’s. Anthony Trollope wrote 84 novels in his day, the Victorian era. He was a contemporary of Dickens, and like Dickens, had his work serialized in newspapers, vast sweeping plots, with […]

Why I Write WHAT I Write

I want to share something, and I hope it’s taken in the spirit I intend. There have been days when I’ve been down, or that I’ve thought maybe the genre I write in is not as “important” as other genres. Then last month, I took a writing workshop from Joshua Perkey where I was encouraged to […]

Well, This is Awesome: $50 Gift Card

Well, This is Awesome: $50 Gift Card

It’s FALL! Time to curl up on your autumn sofa with a steaming cup and escape! If you’re a romance reader, and you want to find a new author to love but you don’t want to expend much RISK, here’s an awesome author cross-promo I joined. It’s called… FALLING IN LOVE! I, personally, can easily […]

Contest for a Free Paperback

WINNING THE CONTEST Once when I was in high school, I entered a contest to win free “glamour shots.” To my parents’ dismay, I won and went to collect my prize. At the last minute on a whim, I took my two younger sisters with me to the local Fred Meyer. We let the photographers do […]

Books Get Facelifts, Too

Books Get Facelifts, Too

To go along with being age 45, I have had to switch to moisturizer with Retinol in it to stave off some of the wrinkles. It’s working surprisingly well. A huge thank you shout-out to skin science geniuses. Meanwhile, to go along with the release of Wills & Trust next Monday, all the books in […]

Under the Mistletoe in Paperback!

Under the Mistletoe in Paperback!

I just got word last night, UNDER THE MISTLETOE, an anthology of short stories my First and Last Date story is part of, will be available in PAPERBACK on Amazon starting this weekend. The other authors are Annette Lyon, Sarah Eden, Julie Coulter Bellon, Heather B. Moore, and Cindy Roland Anderson. How lucky am I […]