I Stink at Design…but this is a cool aurora pic!
So, I’m no designer. In college I majored in English with an emphasis in Technical Writing, and I was a studious girl. My worst grades, however, came from my design classes. Ugh! How anyone does graphic design or even artistic layouts is beyond me. I even hate decorating my living room. We’d lived in our […]
Books that Grab–and a Breakthrough
My sister in law went to girls camp this week, and I’ve been kicking myself — because I forgot to send a copy of a book, Lucky Change by Susan Law Corpany, along with her. She really NEEDED this book at girls camp, and I’ve failed her. This is the wonderful sister in law who thinks […]
Denmark and Peach Rings
My friend Tina used to live just down the road. I’d go by and she’d let my kids jump on her trampoline with the sprinklers on, or she’d let my buy fresh chicken eggs from her, or we’d just visit. So lovely. Now she has up and moved about 3 hours away. I only get to […]
Memorial Day (and the pop can)
I was reading Auto Week magazine this morning and thinking how much I LOVE reading car magazines. It’s a problem though because I never want to throw them away. I want to go back and read them again and again. And now I’ve got a pile of magazines (including mags the neighbor gives me to […]

Updates on BIG IN JAPAN
My publisher keeps sending me what I can only describe as teasers about my upcoming novel, which is set to release July 28th. I still haven’t seen the cover for Big in Japan, but they tweeted that it’s done and it’s fantastic and innovative and … it’s killing me! I’ve got to see this thing! The […]
A Few Tastes of Old Mexico
So, my babysitter of eight years and the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen has just celebrated her one year anniversary of marrying her husband Hector. Congratulations, Britlyn. You’ve saved my sanity on so many levels so many times. Every mother needs a Britlyn. I wish every frazzled mom out there some darling tweenager who […]
Happy Chocolate Chip Cookie Day!
Happy National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, all. What a great day designation. Maybe I’ll have to make a batch. Of course, just last night my 7yo and I whipped up a batch of chocolate chip pumpkin cookies. I know it’s not autumn, but pumpkin cookies are so easy that they’re always in season around here. […]

A Good Problem to Have
The other day was my dad’s birthday. I sent him a book, of course. Oh, and some balsa wood planes. Those are fun. I sent him Joann Mortensen’s biography of her great-great grandfather King Follett. My dad’s a retired history teacher, so he loves a good biography. And this one is. Anyway, we were on […]
Elf (novel) on the Shelf!
My friend Anna from my American Night Writers group has been “bitten by the J.R.R. Tolkien fantasy-bug,” she says, and is on an elf novel kick. Her sixth elf novel in just five years is now in print and e-book and ready to read, all you fantasy fans! I’m pretty sure I’m not alone when I admit […]
Change Your Point of View
Somewhere in one of the songs on my running MP3 there’s a line, “change your point of view.” It might be in “Man in the Mirror.” No, I am not running very fast. And I’m proud of it. Anyway, as I’m prepping for this big rewrite of my NaNo novel, I got an idea about […]