On Saturday I was in Utah for family things and Jolly Fish Press’s super fun staff snagged me and brought me in to the Provo Library after hours. We did an author interview they videoed and will be putting on the book’s website. Interview! The questions were fun, like what’s sumo all about, and what’s […]

Guest Blogger–Christopher Loke, Executive Editor
Super cool guest on this blog today! Christopher Loke, Executive Editor for Jolly Fish Press is here today to tell us what it takes to make a book happen! For anyone who is in the writing process (at whatever point–from pre-writing to final edits to post-published) this is some good info. Enjoy. The Making of a […]
The Great Indoors
So I’m sitting here on a leather recliner in the mountains in an air conditioned cabin that has a chandelier. No, really. A fancy one that could be at a posh hotel’s lobby in another life. The bathroom sinks have a swan motif on the faucet that echoes the swan motif on the light fixture. […]
I’m so excited! This week is the annual ANWA Writers Retreat in the cool country of the mountains of Arizona. This is my fourth year attending. We’re staying at a nice cabin, about 30 of us, shutting out the world and just writing. Last year I used the 3 days away from the responsibilities of home […]

It’s harder to watch movies than read books?
This year I took a challenge issued by my friend Heather to read 50 books and watch 50 movies in this calendar year and to blog reviews of all of them. It’s been a really fun blog to read–other people’s reads are always interesting. It’s kind of like peeking into someone’s mind, or behind their […]

Spuds and Sumo
So I finally signed up for Pinterest, and I’ve been doing a sumo page. It helped me stumble onto this gem of a site: http://usasumorevolution.com/ Did you know there was a sumo association in eastern Idaho? Neither did I. Perhaps you’re reading this blog from the comfort of your living room in the Snake River […]

Likening Housework unto Editing…and the Bacon Sundae
A few months ago I had the opportunity to go help someone clean her house while she was in the hospital. It had a regular level of dirt, but it was a breeze! My sister in law was helping me, and we both commented on how easy it was to whip through someone else’s house. […]

Writing Service
So, a while back, my friend Donna Hatch wrote a great blog post about the importance of using our writing talents to serve others. There’s happiness in serving others every day. I firmly believe that. Donna suggested that we writers can use our writing skills to serve others in some small way, such as a thank […]

The Book Cover is Here for Big in Japan
Here’s the art for the jacket cover! After months of waiting and watching, it’s here! The jacket art for BIG IN JAPAN. I’m loving it. The minimalist design, the top-to-bottom, right-to-left of the kanji in the background, the silhouette of the sumo wrestler crouching, waiting to begin his fight. The red. The white. It’s so […]

Peanut Addiction and Writing through the Inferno
It’s almost scary the amount of honey roasted peanuts I’ve eaten in the past week. I once heard that peanut addiction was a sign of peanut allergy. (I think some people just don’t know what they’re talking about.) Either way, I’m going to be allergic to myself soon if the insanity doesn’t stop. Oh, look, […]