What Writers Do in the Off-Season
Last week my husband said the three most magical words to me. Yeah, yeah. He said those too. But the other most magical words: “We need new carpet.” Who CARES if that’s four words. Yesssss! As if I haven’t been dropping hints about this since the DAY WE MOVED IN. This carpet was never my […]

Good Friends and Sell-Outs
I think I have the coolest friends ever. Last Saturday at the signing at Bookworms, so many cool people showed up. Some bought books, some brought books they’d previously bought for me to sign. One brought me a purple Sharpie marker (thanks, Melinda!), one brought me a delicious sugar cookie brownie thing with great frosting. […]
Racism, Sexism, Ageism…Fatism?
There’s racism. Ageism. Sexism. Is there “fat-ism?” Having gone up and down the scale through five pregnancies, it’s been something not unfamiliar to me. So I ask: do we in our culture take people less seriously if they are overweight? What kind of self-esteem issues do our young people (as well as adults) have when […]

The Wayback Machine and Haunted Cell Phones
My kids have been watching hours and hours of “Rocky & Bullwinkle” this summer, and I couldn’t be prouder. By far my favorite segment is Mr. Peabody and Sherman, where the world’s smartest dog takes his affable boy Sherman on trips back through time in his WABAC Machine (Wayback) to see improbable events in history. […]

Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Beautiful
If you’re old enough to remember the ’80s you probably remember the Pantene shampoo commercials where the model flips her hair and says, “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful…” and I don’t remember the follow up. It was something along the lines of, “Hate me because I have better hair than you, drive a nicer […]
How Do I Say That? — Japanese Pronunciation Guide
I had a fabulous time at the book launch the other night at Weller Book Works in SLC. Thank you, thank you to the family and friends who came and supported me at the event. It was a fun night! Also, I must say it’s PRETTY AWESOME to hold the hardcover book in my hot […]
Texts from my Future Self
Gary and I were watching this webTV series a few weeks ago, just a couple of episodes so I don’t know how it ends (it got a little edgy for me). Anyway, in it, the ever-darling Shiri Appleby is in a lame relationship. She is in the process of inventing a smart phone app that lets a […]
On the 4th of July I met with all the Stewarts for the annual Stewart Family Gathering. We were in Utah and my youngest uncle (just a few years my senior) and his wife (same age as my husband–that’s a big Mormon family for ya) and a cousin (just a couple of years older than […]