Jennifer Griffith

Jennifer Griffith

Jennifer Griffith is the author of four published novels: three inspirational novels, and "Big in Japan," the story of an accidental sumo wrestler. She is a wife, a mother of five, a cold cereal addict, and a moderately bad housekeeper.

I can't believe it was a year ago I was sharing a table with Dale Critchlow, aka "Lyle" from Napoleon Dynamite, at my first book signing.

Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Beautiful

If you’re old enough to remember the ’80s you probably remember the Pantene shampoo commercials where the model flips her hair and says, “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful…” and I don’t remember the follow up. It was something along the lines of, “Hate me because I have better hair than you, drive a nicer […]

Texts from my Future Self

Gary and I were watching this webTV series a few weeks ago, just a couple of episodes so I don’t know how it ends (it got a little edgy for me). Anyway, in it, the ever-darling Shiri Appleby is in a lame relationship. She is in the process of inventing a smart phone app that lets a […]


On the 4th of July I met with all the Stewarts for the annual Stewart Family Gathering. We were in Utah and my youngest uncle (just a few years my senior) and his wife (same age as my husband–that’s a big Mormon family for ya) and a cousin (just a couple of years older than […]