Jennifer Griffith

Jennifer Griffith

Jennifer Griffith is the author of four published novels: three inspirational novels, and "Big in Japan," the story of an accidental sumo wrestler. She is a wife, a mother of five, a cold cereal addict, and a moderately bad housekeeper.

Signing at Utah's flagship Barnes and Noble in Layton.

F&F at B&N in Layton

So…I am updating the look of this website. I like doing this about as much as I like decorating my house: one on a scale of one to ten. What I *do* like doing is what happened on Friday night–a booksigning at a stores with completely fun staff  (who liked my boots) and where cool people showed […]

Now Available: Big in Japan!

Now Available: Big in Japan!

Now available at Barnes and Noble and Amazon: Big in Japan, the story of an accidental sumo wrestler. Big fat Texan Buck Cooper is invisible in his crummy job and non-existent love life–until fate takes him to Japan, where everything changes!             REVIEWS: “I don’t just like it I love […]

Too Busy to Write?

Actually, as much as I do love, love, love to write, there are seasons for everything. Right now is by necessity my season to be the mom. Luckily, it’s my favorite season. Like autumn is. I just love wearing great boots and a cozy sweater. It’s the best. This past weekend I had a super […]