F&F at B&N in Layton
So…I am updating the look of this website. I like doing this about as much as I like decorating my house: one on a scale of one to ten. What I *do* like doing is what happened on Friday night–a booksigning at a stores with completely fun staff (who liked my boots) and where cool people showed […]

Now Available: Big in Japan!
Now available at Barnes and Noble and Amazon: Big in Japan, the story of an accidental sumo wrestler. Big fat Texan Buck Cooper is invisible in his crummy job and non-existent love life–until fate takes him to Japan, where everything changes! REVIEWS: “I don’t just like it I love […]
Deseret News Reviews BIG IN JAPAN
The Deseret News, a Salt Lake City newspaper with a circulation of… a BUNCH, has reviewed BIG IN JAPAN. The review posted about 20 minutes ago. I’m all breathless. I’d heard there was a call for a review, and I knew the Deseret News’s policy of not letting anyone review a book if the reviewer […]
Tidings of Comfort and Joy from the Writers Conference
At the end of February I attended the annual ANWA Writers Conference in Mesa, a nice place to be in February. I think the agents from Denver and NYC were loving the weather, as was the editor from Utah. It was a balmy 68. Other good things happened there. One, I got to wear my *awesome* […]
Reading Under the Stars
New experience last night–Reading Under the Stars. The elementary school in a nearby town asked me to come and be a reader at their event last night outdoors on the baseball fields. Luckily, we live in Arizona and didn’t have the skiff (or piles) of snow that other people in the country are getting this […]
Hulu and the 10-Second “Life” Rewind
True confession: We watch Hulu. That is how we waste our valuable time. In the last few weeks our version has added a feature with a little button, an arrow at the end of a curly tail. It’s a 10-second rewind. If you missed what the caption said in the Korean drama you’ve been glued […]
Whipped Cream Diet
I forgot how much I hate being on a diet. It’s been a couple of years since I actually made an effort to diet. I’ve been trying the “exercise instead” plan. But wearing awesome boots and other fantastic high heels has kinda wrecked my hip. So very sad! I weep for the sadness of not being […]
Guest Blogger: Auntie Lehua!
Get out a frosty drink and put on your flip flops, folks. I have a special Hawaiian treat for you today! My fellow JFP author Lehua Parker is here to guest blog about her new book One Boy No Water, the first installment in the Nihui Shark Saga. (Nihui shark means maneating shark, I do […]
Too Busy to Write?
Actually, as much as I do love, love, love to write, there are seasons for everything. Right now is by necessity my season to be the mom. Luckily, it’s my favorite season. Like autumn is. I just love wearing great boots and a cozy sweater. It’s the best. This past weekend I had a super […]
Men Read???
As a prologue to this topic, I have to note that Saturday my 4 year old daughter came dashing into my room. “Mommy! What’s your female address?” She was trying to sign up for a Build-a-Bear account online and needed my female address. Er, email. In the past I’ve written these books with titles like […]