Get Your Hawaii On!
My friend Lehua Parker has her cool Niuhi Shark Saga (installment #1) book called “One Boy No Water” on Kindle for $2.99 today and tomorrow. Grab it before the sale is over! Here’s a link to my interview with Auntie Lehua, and another link to my review, and by the way, she has a really, […]
Little Present to Me
It’s New Year’s Eve! I love New Year’s Eve–now that I’m married and don’t have to wonder when my prince will come and now that I have someone to kiss at midnight every year. It’s the best. Today I’m cracking the whip and getting the kids to clean up the Christmas bomb that exploded all […]
A Merry Little Christmas
I’ve got no deep thoughts today. Just too busy having the merry little Christmas with the family and children. We’re watching lots of good movies, eating easy food, reading books and taking a pile of brownies over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house. What could be better?
The Gift of Not Sharing (Microwave Caramels, DO NOT STIR)
Sometimes I give the gift of not sharing. Like today. Today is Christmas Eve, and our family tradition is for me to make pan after pan of caramels and for the kids to wrap them and then we go caroling to the neighbors and take bags of delicious homemade caramels. I love it. The kids […]
Great Christmas Present for that Special Writer in Your Life
This February is the 21st annual ANWA Conference. It will be held in the Phoenix area, at the Mesa Hilton. It’s open to all and any writers and looking at the lineup of presenters and agents and publishers who will be there, it looks to possibly be their best yet. For the past several years […]
Hiding the Presents
With five kids running around a smallish house, there are blessed few places to stash a super-secret Christmas gift that I want to have as a surprise on Christmas morning. Forever I’ve just had to tell the kids, “If you want a surprise, then stay out of my bedroom closet from November 15th on.” Then […]
Excellent Compensation for the Leaky Plumbing
A couple of days ago I discovered a leak under my bathroom sink. My hot rollers were wet, as was the sweatshirt for my morning run, among other things. My husband couldn’t figure out where the leak was coming from (but at least there was the water to prove I wasn’t just making up the […]
New Motto: Start Slow and Taper Off
So, I ran in this race this summer. It was only a 5K, but it was at a much higher altitude than I live at, and it was kind of…killer. Yeah, I ended up running it faster than last year, but it’s still dang slow. Tonight I finally checked the results (five months later). There […]
Those of you who know me know I have a son who thinks. And thinks. And theorizes. And philosphizes. And speaks these often. We call these musings “Zaneisms.” Here’s one he spouted wandering through the house one day. It’ll likely make its way into the family Christmas letter: “Why do they always say no two snowflakes […]