Is Revising a Goal the Same as Quitting?
I have revised my New Year’s Resolution. Already. I mentioned this to my husband, and he said, “It’s good to give up sometimes.” But, I argued, it’s not giving up. It’s changing my focus as a result of better information. My big plan was to make myself stop eating cold cereal—any cold cereal. This is […]
Reading to Keep Out the Cold
I know, I know. I live in Arizona. I have NO right to complain about the cold. I spend 3/4 of the year wishing it were colder, to be honest. But this morning, when it was about 20 degrees and we still have no heat in our house, I thought, dang. It’s cold. We worshipped […]

Getting Back in the Game — Running and Writing
So, while I was in DC, I didn’t run my morning run. For one thing, we were staying with my cousin Hillary and she lives in a hilly neighborhood, and I was pretty sure my knees couldn’t take it. For another, our entire days were taken up with walking around looking at the sights, and […]

Going Dark for DC/ Threats and Bribery: The Delicate Balance of Parenting
So, for the past week I basically went dark on internet interaction. It was weird to leave the “computer me” behind–all my editing projects and writing and this great swirling pit of time-suck known as social media that must be done when a person has a book recently in publication. It was nice to just […]
Name Some Children Some Names and See What Happens
It’s freezing out there. I went running in 14 degree weather this morning. And I couldn’t find my scarf. And when my neighbor pulled up to tell me to “go inside where it’s warm,” I couldn’t respond because I’d been out there too long and all I could say was, “Hawah? Mah wips don’ wahhk.” […]
Great Googly Aggie Moogly!
So, I just checked Facebook and a post from my cousin Jared told me he’d seen the Aggie Alumni Newsletter and I was in it. Shazammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! What a nice article they wrote. It’s so cool that they featured Big in Japan, and mentioned Christopher Loke (also an Aggie) and Jolly Fish Press (populated by many […]
The Lament of the Snacking Writer
What was with me that I thought I needed enough Ritz Crackers to choke a horse in order to churn out a few (I mean, ten, friends, ten!!!) pages on my WIP yesterday? I mean, sure. Snacking and writing go together like bread and butter (of which I ate inordinate amounts over the holidays.) Or […]
The Law of Compensation (free audiobooks included)
I dropped my kids off at school Monday morning after a long Christmas break with a lot of family together time. (Whether togetherness always counts when 5 or more of us are absorbed in some screen or other is up for debate.) But it was a fun break, and seeing it end got me all […]
The Anti-Magic-Formula
I really love my publisher. They are super encouraging and they really “get it” about social networking, and they’ve really encouraged me as an author to stretch outside my comfort zone and put the book out there (and myself) more than I would’ve done so otherwise. So yesterday, when they sent a list of suggestions, I […]
I Know, I Know, Never Read the Reviews (Books are Friends, Not Food)
So, I know it’s emotional suicide to read too many reviews of our work. That’s fine. I generally don’t read them unless someone I know emails me and tells me about them–and that’s only when they’re good. I have nice friends, not mean friends. “Hey, Jen. There’s a sucky review of your book on Goodreads. […]